I’m an IT professional half the time, and a wife and busy mum of two all the time! As if this wasn’t enough to keep me busy, I need something for me in order to be able to unwind. I enjoy the quiet and constructive challenges that enable me to create something whilst recharging my batteries at the same time … in 2020 I discovered beading.
Thankfully, Mr BizzEABeads is equally creative in his own way, and so is fully supportive of my need to clutter the dining table with beads and bits. He is the genius behind the website and some of the useful crafty editions like a display stand; he also keeps the little people busy whilst I fettle!
Initially, I was looking for gift ideas for a wonderful group of teachers and playgroup staff who we wanted to thank for their fantastic care and support. Their significant contribution to our family life was suddenly severed in March and we missed them … we wanted to create gifts that were personal and a little bit different and I worked with the children to design and make simple bracelets that were unique for them. It was fun and I was keen to do more.
Since then, I’ve rescued beads and bits of all shapes, sizes, colours and materials from various sources, investigated colours and techniques and enjoyed those quiet moments to experiment and create. All of a sudden I had a range of unique jewellery items all in need of a good home and no real idea of what to do with this growing collection … until now!
I’m a hobbyist, not a jeweller and I love the idea of rescuing unloved resources and giving them new life. I’m not interested in making a profit from what I do and instead I am keen to help local causes raise a few extra funds for much needed resources. Like people, beads and accessories are not perfect and although I create every piece with care and attention, there may be the odd blemish!!
I hope you enjoy what you see – whether you choose to buy an item or not. I also hope that you are able to find the same opportunities to recharge your batteries to face whatever life throws at us!
Thanks for looking!